A Special Letter from Pastor David Landry
Dear Calvary Chapel Family,

Although we have been retired from the ministry at CCCG now for three years, our love, thoughts, and prayers continue to be with you all. You are greatly loved and missed. However, it is so exciting to see and hear what God is doing in this season of the life of the church. It has been made clear that Pastor Pat has established his place and ministry at CCCG and the community of Casa Grande in a very firm and positive way. Once again showing us that he truly is God’s man for the position of Senior Pastor and the future of CCCG.

A few years prior to my retirement, we and the Board of Elders could see that God had a plan for additional growth of the ministry beyond my tenure as Senior Pastor. As the Board and I began to investigate the possibilities of what that growth would look like, we saw that our facilities had become insufficient for our current and future needs. Within the scope of the vision, we began to speak with the City of Casa Grande Building Department, surveyors, and designers in order to discover the possibilities of growth at our present location. With the acquisition of the property on the east side (which includes the Agape building), we now had enough space to build a new auditorium/educational building and parking.

The vision God had given was exciting, but it also would take a number of years to completely accomplish. Tot and I knew our time was drawing to an end and it was not within our calling to build it.
Just as King David received a vision to build a Temple to honor God, it was not King David’s calling to build it. This task would go to his successor, his son Solomon. We too felt God allowed me to have the vision, but the fulfillment of the vision would go to the next Senior Pastor. We are blessed to see that Pastor Pat has taken up this vision and continues to move forward in the process. Our prayer is that you, as the family and congregation of Calvary Chapel of Casa Grande would become a part of this vision and join in by supporting it in every way possible; initially by your prayers, words of encouragement (to each other, staff, and leadership), through volunteering, and through your financial support above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings.
Tot and I wish to join with you, the family of CCCG in supporting this God-sized endeavor. Not only through our prayers, but also through an end of year personal gift of one month of our retirement salary to show that commitment.

It took sacrifice in the beginning of this ministry and it will take the sacrifice of many to see it continue and grow. We send this letter to personally ask each of you to prayerfully seek God’s leading in how you can be a blessing and support during this next Venture of Faith for Calvary Chapel of Casa Grande.
All for the glory of Christ and the work of His Kingdom,

Pastor David and Tot Landry